Digital Storytelling Rubric 2024
Digital Storytelling Rubric © 2024 by Melody Buckner is licensed under CC BY 4.0
LRC 504 - Language & Culture in Education
Dr. Leisy Wyman
Course Description - This course will examine language use within a broader sociocultural and political context, with a particular focus on the ways that language policies, language ideologies, and power issues permeate communities as well as school structures and teaching practices. We will study contemporary theoretical and ethnographic approaches to the comparative study of language in its cultural context. We will also interrogate the “mismatch” hypothesis, which sought to explain schools’ role in social reproduction as a result of incongruence in linguistic and cultural styles, in light of more contemporary studies of language, power, and the intersection of language and social process.
Learning Objectives - Introduce the basic principles of language research dealing with education, broadly construed. Provide analytical and academic skills that will allow students to better understand language processes in community and cultural contexts. Describe the intersection between language, discourse, and social processes, including schooling. Engage with issues of language as deficit vs. language as resource.
Final Project - Annotated Bibliography
The Project: Explore the various uses of technologies, such as social networking, mobile computing and e-Learning and how these technologies impact education and literacy.
Format: Create an annotated bibliography of research and literature articles examining the impact of various technologies upon education and literacy.
Topics and Articles: These are the topics and articles to include in the annotated bibliography:
Digital Storytelling Articles:
Digital Storytelling as Narrative Pedagogy
Crafting an Agentive Self: Case Studies of Digital Storytelling
Digital Storytelling: Self-Efficacy and Digital Literacy
The Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling
Effects of Writing for Digital Storytelling on Writing Self-Efficacy and Flow in Virtual Worlds
Virtual Worlds Articles:
Uses of Second Life in Higher Education: Three Successful Cases
Making learning fun: Quest Atlantis, a game without guns
Utilizing virtual worlds in education: The implications for practice
Developing a Second Life Academy: Bridging the Implementers' Learning Gap
3D Virtual Learning in Counselor Education: Using Second Life in Counselor Skill Development