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LRC 560 - Multimedia Literacy

Dr. J. David Betts

Course Description​ - This course will examine theoretical bases for instructional design, and explore several

important multimedia production tools. We will create multimodal objects, integrating text, graphics, animation, sound and video for classroom use.  LRC 560 students will create computer-mediated interactive multimedia presentations for teaching and learning. A variety of multimedia tools and Internet resources and research will be covered.  National issues and developments in Learning Technologies will be discussed. The emphasis of this course will be on the uses of computer technology in the classroom.


Learning Objectives - Discuss theoretical bases for instructional design. Research findings pertaining to the use and evaluation of multimedia and Internet uses and resources.  Analysis of effective uses of multimedia and the Internet in teacher professional development. Development of an interactive multimedia presentation. Development of interactive multimedia web site for the classroom.




My Learning Object:


Final Reflection of this Course

      The semester started out a little bumpy with the room confusion.  The solution was an effective one.  I liked the first hour being in a more intimate room to discuss the readings and projects.  It would have been nice to have a projector, but we made it work.  The book, The Instructional Design Knowledge Base was a good review for me.  Since I am an instructional designer I am familiar with many of the theories we discussed.  I will definitely be keeping this book as a reference book for my library.    The other book, First Person is a book I wish we had discussed on a deeper level.  I will also be keeping this book for my library and hope to use it later in my studies.

         The second part of the class was an interesting experiment. The mixing of classes with Wayne Brent’s preceptor worked well for our exploration of multimedia.  Many of the technologies we were shown I have used in my job.  Andrew is a very good instructor and was patience in teaching all of the technologies.  Being asked to instructor the class about Second Life was a good teaching and learning moment for me.  Overall, this part of class was an average experience.  It would have been more productive if we had been given small assignments to complete for each of the technologies we learned and then had a time to share them with the class.  I have created a page on my website to display some of my work.  Unfortunately, it is a bit incomplete.  I will be adding more to this area over the summer.

        Through the projects, I learned about digital storytelling and the multimedia tools used to create these stories.  I was able to explore software and Web 2.0 technologies for constructing digital stories.  The annotated bibliography was a good exercise in reading the research and summarizing what had been conducted in the field of digital storytelling.

        Through my software critique, I learned about the differences in the software marketed to create e-learning objectives.  This piece will be helpful to me in my current position as an instructional designer.

         One of the best parts of the class was the diversity of culture in the students and the variety of directions each of them took with the class projects and assignments.  It was enlightening to hear each student’s perspective and their viewpoint on multimedia literacy.

         This class was very much like the LRC 530 – Technology and Literacy.  Many of the assignments were the same.  As a student, I would like to be able to make a distinction between the two classes. 

         I prefer the learning style of both LRC 530 and LRC 560.  Even though the material and assignments were similar, I took a different direction with each class and came away with different learning outcomes.  Overall, this class was a very positive experience.

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